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Culver's Nutrition Calculator

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Last Updated: 06/09/2024

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This calculator provides percentages for recommended daily intake based on the FDA guidelines for a 2,000 calorie diet. To customize this percentage to your own specific diet, please adjust the calorie number in this box.


At Culver's® we work to provide the most up-to-date menu ingredient information to help guests with food allergies or sensitivities make informed choices when dining at Culver’s. It is important to consult a medical professional if you have any concerns regarding food allergies or sensitivities. Please know some menu items may not be available at all restaurants. In addition, test products, test formulations or regional items are not included on Culver’s website. While ingredient information is based on standard product formulation, variations may occur due to do differences in suppliers, ingredient substitutions, changes in recipe, product assembly at the restaurant level, the region of the country and seasonality. Serving sizes may vary from the quantity upon which the analysis was conducted. This information is based upon our standard preparation, ingredient, supply, and proportioning requirements. None of Culver's menu items are certified as vegetarian; all menu items may contain trace amounts of ingredients derived from animals. Culver's restaurants are often busy and cross contact may occur between ingredients and between different menu items, including allergens, thus if you have any food allergies it is important that you are aware of the ingredients listed in all menu items. Always tell your local Culver's restaurant manager if you have a food allergy and ask to see the ingredient listings for the products you would like to purchase, as well as any product with which it may come in contact.

Culver Franchising System, LLC, its franchisees and employees do not assume responsibility for a particular sensitivity or allergy to any food provided in restaurants. We encourage anyone with food sensitivities, allergies or special dietary needs to contact Culver Franchising System, LLC., 1240 Water Street, Prairie du Sac, WI 53578. The listings at are periodically updated in an effort to reflect the current status of our menu items and may vary from printed materials. We recommend you visiting the U.S. Food and Drug Administration site for more information regarding food ingredients ( or food allergies (

© 2023 Culver Franchising System, LLC © 2023 The Coca-Cola Company. “Coca-Cola”, "Coke", "Diet Coke", "Fanta", "Hi-C", "Minute Maid", "Mello Yello", "Powerade" and "Sprite" are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company. MOTT’S is a registered trademark of Mott’s LLP. Andes is a registered trademark of TR Brands, Chicago, Illinois. BUTTERFINGER® is a trademark of Ferrero Group. The REESE’S® and HEATH® trademarks are used under license from the Hershey Company. M&Ms, Snickers and Dove® are registered trademarks of Mars, Incorporated. Mars, Incorporated and its affiliates have no affiliation with and have no participation in the production and distribution of this product. OREO is a trademark of the Mondeléz International group, used with permission. © 2023 Eli’s Cheesecake Co. All other trademarks belong to Culver Franchising System, LLC.

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