Red Lobster

Nutrition Calculator

Our Meal Calculator allows you to build a meal that meets your food and nutrition goals.
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Last Updated: 04/15/2024

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This calculator provides percentages for a 2,000 calorie a day diet, just like you are used to seeing the packaged food you buy. To customize the percent daily value to meet your individual needs, simply adjust the calories in this box. To learn more about your individual nutrition needs, visit


Our nutrition information is based on our standardized recipes and serving sizes and is derived from a combination of sources, including: information provided by our suppliers, standardized USDA nutrition data and results from accredited laboratory analysis. Due to the inherent variability in ingredients and the hand-crafted nature of our menu items, there may be differences between the actual nutritional content of your freshly prepared menu item and the nutritional values provided here.

Although the number of calories people need varies, a simple rule of thumb is 2,000 calories per day (with no more than 20 grams of saturated fat and 2,300 mg of sodium). Keeping these numbers in mind can help you use the nutrition information provided here.

More information on your individual needs can be found at

We have made an effort to ensure that the information provided here is accurate and are dedicated to preparing a meal that meets your restricted diet. Because of our reliance on suppliers for accurate information, the shared cooking and preparation areas of our kitchens and the handcrafted nature of our menu items, we cannot completely eliminate the risk of cross-contact or declare that any item is free of any allergen.

Due to limited ingredient information available in our kitchen, it might not be possible to answer all questions within the restaurant. If you have a question about a specific item on Red Lobster's menu, we invite you to call us at before you visit the restaurant so that we can assist you. Simply call 1-800-LOBSTER (800-562-7837), Monday through Friday (10:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. ET), or send us an email. Please allow at least 3 days for us to investigate your inquiry.

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